sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Breaking Dawn

Bella and Edward get married and spend their honeymoon on an island in the Atlantic, next to Rio de Janeiro, but they come back suddenly, as Bella discovers she's pregnant. Edward is afraid of the creature to kill Bella, and do not want the baby is born. She, however, wants to have the child. Then ask for help from Rosalie and she takes care that nobody comes close to Bella's pregnancy. The baby represents a "curse" for the werewolves, they do not know what creature will be born and that type of danger it represents. The band plans to destroy it before it is born, and consequently, Bella dies. Jacob does not accept that and is against the gang. The baby ends up hurting Bella for moving, as the pregnancy progresses, and soon discover that they must feed Cullen Bella with blood so that the child did not kill her, and she follows the instruction. Gestation lasts a very short time, the child is born and Edward turns Bella into a vampire before she dies after giving birth. She discovers that he can control his desires for blood better than expected with a newly created vampire. The child is a girl, unlike what Bella thought, and given the name Renesmee (joint names Renee and Esme) Carlie (junction of the names Charlie and Carlisle) Cullen. Jacob can not stand listening to Emmett and Rosalie talking all the time to move on and realize that the biggest problem is Charlie. Therefore, tells Bella's father, about the supernatural world. Charlie asks Jacob to not tell any details, only what is necessary. Jacob suffers from imprinting on Renesmee (which is something stronger than the love between soul mates, which he describes "as the center of gravity to be allowed to travel through the earth and be Renesmee" in his case). Alice sees the Volturi are coming to kill Renesmee, believing she was a child who had been turned into a vampire - something strictly forbidden - because of the testimony of Irina Denali. Jasper leaves with Alice shortly after. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett traveling to call all vampires who know, with the intention to stop the Volturi to hear the real explanation of the origin of Renesmee. Everyone is waiting in the mansion until Cullen Volturi arrive. Bella discovers that she has the power to create a shield around himself, and protects the family and friends during the confrontation. Irina is dead by Caius, who did not accept that there was no battle. When the Cullens, his friends, the Volturi and Werewolves are facing each other and the battle seems imminent, Alice appears, bringing another half-vampire half-human to prove that it's okay to leave Renesmee live. The Volturi, with some reluctance, to go away.

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